

Yoga is the restriction of the fluctuations in the consciousness (1.2)
Then the seer dwells in his own nature (1.3)
The posture: steady and comfortable (2.46)
Effortless, and merging with the infinite (2.47)

from the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali

During the lessons, our attention is turned inward even when we are working on strengthening core and abdominal muscles. The emphasis is on listening: to the body, the breath, the emotions, to what is happening in the moment, to the miracle of the life in the body, to the meeting between body and spirit. I also attach a great importance to grounding as well as to the relation between the different parts of the body. To the “how” which is at least as important as the “what”.

The yoga I teach is inspired by my teachers, Tzipi Negev, Orit San-Gupta, Meitav Solomon, and many others, while also integrating the principles of the Alexander technique.

The groups are limited to a maximum of 7 participants. This allows for close attention and a safe environment. The lessons are taught in Hebrew. Most groups are for women only.